ENGLISH Mindflow Basic Seminar in Berlin



English Mindflow Basic Seminar in Berlin

Get to know the possibilities of your own energy
and put an end to stress, conflicts, and lack of energy!

During this complete two-day Mindflow Basic Seminar, you will learn how to turn the tables and transform negative events, stress and other "attacks" into energy for you - in a simple, fast and highly effective way. A positive side effect is that it soon won't feel like something negative anymore. Your life will get easier, more relaxed, and more joyful. You will be able to change all the challenges of life and all interpersonal relationships for the better with more serenity.

You are constantly exchanging energy with your fellow human beings - here you will learn how to no longer let your energy be stolen from you or waste it yourself, but to gain energy and become more and more energetic.

You will understand how fears, trauma and deep blocks can be accepted and dissolved at the root so that they don't come back. You will also experience how even long-standing physical problems can be easily resolved.
You'll also learn quick and easy techniques that will instantly ground you and relax you. You will know how to effectively protect yourself from burnout or, in case you are already burnt out, how to get back on your feet quickly and sustainably.
And you will also learn how to quickly recover and rejuvenate yourself in any situation - both physically and mentally.

Experience how you can get out of the offender-victim game by applying easy-to-implement techniques, and create a win-win situation for both - without having to change the other person. If you have often been robbed of energy by others or if you have even been bullied sometimes, you will be surprised to find out what the real reason is and how you can benefit from it in the future and thus easily get out of such situations.

You will also learn and experience in your own body how we are often manipulated by our fellow human beings and how we ourselves often manipulate our fellow human beings - whether consciously or unconsciously - and how you can prevent this in the future.

You will develop a new understanding of worries and problems, and you will learn to transform them into something constructive. You will not only meet your fellow human beings but also yourself on a new, balanced level - in a state of self-responsibility and self-empowerment.

With the help of physical, mental and energetic exercises and a new mind-set, you will also experience in practice what it means to achieve everything in a relaxed manner by 'not wanting' and 'not doing'.

This seminar has the potential to pave the way to your freedom, in which your life unfolds for you and is permanently in flow - both in your professional and private life. You will notice how you have more energy and it will show in all areas of your life.

Background information:

The Mindflow concept is based on techniques that are more than 5000 years old and had so far only been passed on by masters to a number of selected students. This knowledge has been refined and adapted by Tom Moegele, one of the few masters of this old system, to make it accessible to people in the world of today in the form of the MindFlow method. In this Basis Seminar you will get to know and apply some of these unique techniques, which have not been accessible to the majority of people up to now. 

In this seminar your energy level will be raised to an elevated state of consciousness, the G4 consciousness, through a special activation. In this state, you can apply the principle of achieving anything by 'not wanting' and 'not doing'. For every problem, there is already a solution - and in the G4 state of consciousness, it will be revealed to you. The right people, things and situations will be magnetically drawn into your life. In this state, there are no limitations; the laws and principles we're used to no longer apply; and self-healing becomes possible. And any kind of 'attack' is converted into energy for your system. You will learn how to evoke and hold this G4 state over and over again.

All of this is possible for you, too. In this 2-day seminar, you will experience and learn the 'how'.

Please note: The English seminar will take place parallel to the German seminar that weekend with live translations and dedicated explanations in English.

Further information about Mindflow
: click here

About me:

As a coach, trainer and future health psychologist, I accompany people in their transformation processes towards healing. Healing - in all of its diverse aspects - can only ever happen from within yourself, from within your own system. However, the path to get there can be paved. And on this path, I accompany people with Mindflow, which in my experience is the best way to pave this path.

My own path first led me from working as a German-English translator to becoming a teacher. At the same time, I released and performed music as a musician and lyricist. At this stage, I was often exhausting myself energetically, up to the point of burnout. In addition, this path was marked by rigidly 'wanting things', which made it very difficult, slow and energy-sapping. In other words: it was a great learning field for me.

After trying various alternative, energetic and spiritual methods for many years (with moderate success), I got to experience and apply the Mindflow techniques. They took my life on new paths very quickly, effectively and sustainably. My life finally got into flow, became energised and started to blossom. Today, as a Mindflow trainer, I teach these techniques and mind-sets to other people and thereby enable them to experience and implement new ways and possibilities.

I am happy to incorporate my own path and my many years of professional experience in adult education into my Basic Seminars and to convey the content accordingly. That means not only understandably and completely, but at the same time in a manner that enables you to sense and feel. And, naturally, with joy and ease in the flow.

And why Mindflow? Read my take on it here


Please get in touch for the next upcoming event.


At Samariterstrasse 16, 10247 Berlin, Germany (Praxis fuer Akupunktur, acupuncture practice)
--> click here to display location on Google


380 €
(for repeaters and students: 290 €; for kids from 7 to 12 years: 230 €; for teenagers from 13 to 18 years: 260 €)
Inclusive of drinks and snacks.
For lunch, we can go to one of the many restaurants in the area.

Registration and additional information: info@michaelaltmann.com

If you have any questions, simply call me: +4915736855508

I'm looking forward to a wonderful Mindflow Basic Seminar weekend in Berlin with you!
